Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's a Boy!

We're having a boy!!! Today was the big day for the ultrasound and baby Webb did not disappoint! His name is Caleb Spurgeon Webb (Spurgeon from Charles H. Spurgeon, great Baptist preacher of old). Needless to say, today was a really big day and full of excitement and I am pretty much exhausted now. I'm going to let the pictures do the talking for the most part. Stephen and I are thrilled to be having a little boy and pray that he will grow up to love and serve the Lord.

Waiting before our Dr's appointment. Here's Grandpa Jeff and Aunt Jayci.

Grandma Janet, Me, and Stephen

It's a boy! Here's a cupcake to celebrate!

Jayci made these awesome cupcakes in honor of baby Caleb.

Here's some pictures of little Caleb. There is a face, a leg, and a foot in this picture. Can you see them?

Here's a facial profile:

And one more face pic.

And lastly, here's me at 20 weeks. This is the same day we found out we're having a boy!


Vicki Winter said...

I am so excited for you guys! Rachel there is nothing like a little boy giving you a great big hug (especially when he is taller than you)!! And you look so precious! Love the baby bump! And Jayci - awesome cupcakes!!!

Bethany Vaughn said...
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Bethany Vaughn said...

Boys are really fun! I was apprehensive at first because I am not really the outdoorsy, sporty type, but they are really are so fun.

I hope that Sterling and Caleb are great friends.

That is so funny that everyone was at the doctor with you. It reminded me of my family. I am surprised they weren't at the doctor with us.

You look so cute by the way!

Stephen, Rachel and Caleb Webb said...

Thanks Vicki and Bethany! We love the updates on what's going on with you guys and Sterling. Hooray for baby boys!

David and Katie Kizziah said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Stephen and Rachel! How I love little boys . . . and how they love their mama's! :) And their daddy's of course, but there is a special something between mothers and sons. Enjoy every minute of preparing for little Caleb's arrival. I love his full name! Do my brother's know? I just was caught up on your blog today. So exciting!!!
Thanks for your sweet comment on our blog. I'm so glad to be able to keep in touch this way. I loved the pics - you look great and so did those cupcakes!

Love and Blessing!

David and Katie Kizziah said...

oh, and I LOVED the ultrasound pictures - thanks for posting! You can tell he is going to be a handsome lad! ;)