Sunday, November 15, 2009

This Baby is Late!

Still waiting. Today I'm not feeling very patient...

So glad my mom made it in town. Originally we didn't think she'd make it before Caleb was born. Now she's here and waiting with us. :-) We're trying to find things to do to pass the time. At least Wednesday is only 3 days away. Have I mentioned that we're scheduled for an induction early Wednesday morning? When it was first discussed, I thought there was no way we'd make it that far, and now it's just a couple days away. We can make it to Wednesday...if we have to. :-)


Unknown said...

Glad your mom made it. What a blessing to have her company and her help once little man decides to come :)

Brooke's Corner said...

Hey there, Mama! I can imagine that you are about ready to pop. Just think Wednesday is just the day after tomorrow. I am so excited!!! and so happy that your mom can be here during this joyful time for you. I know you will be more relaxed with her there. Let me know if I can do anything. I love you guys and just hang in there...He'll be here soon!

Grandma Vicky said...

Wednesday will be here soon enough. Get lots of rest, do your nails, make your husband a special dinner.....all things you won't have time for after Wednesday.....Finished knitting on the blanket last night and will weave the yarn ends in and wash it tonight so I can mail it over the weekend.....