Wednesday, June 24, 2009

It's a Boy!

We're having a boy!!! Today was the big day for the ultrasound and baby Webb did not disappoint! His name is Caleb Spurgeon Webb (Spurgeon from Charles H. Spurgeon, great Baptist preacher of old). Needless to say, today was a really big day and full of excitement and I am pretty much exhausted now. I'm going to let the pictures do the talking for the most part. Stephen and I are thrilled to be having a little boy and pray that he will grow up to love and serve the Lord.

Waiting before our Dr's appointment. Here's Grandpa Jeff and Aunt Jayci.

Grandma Janet, Me, and Stephen

It's a boy! Here's a cupcake to celebrate!

Jayci made these awesome cupcakes in honor of baby Caleb.

Here's some pictures of little Caleb. There is a face, a leg, and a foot in this picture. Can you see them?

Here's a facial profile:

And one more face pic.

And lastly, here's me at 20 weeks. This is the same day we found out we're having a boy!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

18 Weeks!

Ahhhhhhhh! This picture scares me a's quite a change from 2 weeks ago. I've been thinking for the last 2 weeks that this belly has been growing a lot, and now I have proof. And it's only the beginning...

On a brighter note - we find out if baby Webb is a boy or a girl in TWO WEEKS!!!! Next Wednesday is the big appointment. I'll be sure to update you guys on the results! Anyone want to take a guess as to what it's going to be?!?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Free John MacArthur Book

John MacArthur is a preacher and author that Stephen and I both love. Stephen actually attended the seminary MacArthur is the founder and president of, and we served at his church, Grace Community Church, when we were living in California. We loved it there and loved sitting under his expositional teaching (expositional means he preaches through the word verse by verse rather than topically; when we were there he was teaching through the book of Luke). I could go on and on about all that we learned about sheparding a church and youth ministry while we were there, but for now I'll get on to the point of this post - getting John's newest book for free!

John has a ministry called "Grace To You" that is a radio broadcast, sermon archive, and MacArthur book distributor. Right now if you sign up to be on the Grace To You mailing list, you will get a voucher to get The Jesus You Can't Ignore for free! You can click HERE to get to the offer. I can't wait to get our copy!

Friday, June 5, 2009


Ok, here it finally is - the promised Colorado graduation post! The picture above is me and Stephen with my brother and sisters. We took a picture with my parents and grandparents, who were also there, but for some reason I don't have those pictures on my camera - Mom, send me some pictures!We had a great time in Colorado with my family. Between the outlet mall, the mountains, Estes Park, and a 5 mile hike/rock climb to an awesome lookout, we kept ourselves pretty busy. Oh yeah, and there was a graduation ceremony. Which was fairly short as far as graduation ceremonies go (yeah!) and even had a few comical moments. The best probably being when the dean of the business school, in the middle of his speech, told the graduates to please not make their families miserable by going back home and camping out on the couch because the economy is so bad and they can't find a job. He said it funnier than I just did, but it was pretty great.

Also there was the scare at the beginning of the ceremony when my mom couldn't find my brother's name in the program with the list of graduates. Nope, it wasn't there. She called my brother, who was already lined up waiting to walk into the room, and asked him if he was sure he was going to graduate and if he had any unpaid fines he'd forgotten about. Of course my brother assured her he was actually graduating. While the ceremony was going on, Sara found David's name listed under his middle name instead of his last name, so it was in the L's as David Johnson Lee rather than under the J's as David Lee Johnson. That made my mom feel much better.

So now my brother is a college graduate and headed to Illinois State with the Peace Corp to get his Master's degree. I'm pretty excited for him.

Oh, and I have to mention the 5 mile "easy hike" that David took us on. Let's just say that the "older" participants (namely me, mom, and dad) had to stop, rest, catch our breath and let our leg muscles recover pretty much every 10 minutes. And this was like a 3-4 hour hike. And I don't think we were THAT out of shape... As we got close to the top we were actually climbing the rocks, NOT hiking. But even though it was a lot of work, we had a great time and the view at the top was amazing. Definitely worth it, but definitely more work than we were expecting.

This is not a picture from the hike, but it's still an outdoorsy Colorado picture with my awesome husband in it!

We bought baby clothes at the outlet mall! Here's the soon-to-be grandma and aunts and their baby finds for little baby Webb. Or as Sara decided to call our baby, for little raisin.

Here's Grandma Vicky, me, and Emily at Estes Park.

And here's me at the Wyoming State Capitol! Let me just say that everyone was REALLY excited when I told them that Wyoming was only 30 minutes from where David went to college. Sara could hardly contain herself. And since it's always been a dream of mine to go to Montana, and obviously if you can't go to Montana, then Wyoming is the next best thing, I made sure that we fit a drive up to Wyoming into the weekend. It was great. Pretty much just like I imagined it and once we crossed the state line, we found out that Cheyenne, WY which is the state capitol was only like 10 minutes further. So off to Cheyenne we went.
It was pretty awesome in a western/cowboy/deserted-town-in-the-middle-of-nowhere kind of way. But now I can say I've been to Wyoming! And Sara definitely won't be going back with me any time soon.
All in all, it was a fun, exhausting, successful, family trip to Colorado (and Wyoming!)

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Love: Action Statements

Here's an excerpt I just read from "The Discipline of Grace: God's Role and Our Role in the Pursuit of Holiness" by Jerry Bridges (from page 38 in the book). He is talking about how love is to be the primary character trait of Christians, and how it is an easy concept to agree with, but sometimes hard to put into practice. So he took the first 2 verses from 1 Corinthians 13 (the "love chapter") and turned them into action statements. I thought these were pretty great and something I was definitely challenged by. Enjoy!

  • I am patient with you because I love you and want to forgive you.
  • I am kind to you because I love you and want to help you.
  • I do not envy your possessions or your gifts because I love you and want you to have the best.
  • I do not boast about my attainments because I love you and want to hear about yours.
  • I am not proud because I love you and want to esteem you before myself.
  • I am not rude because I love you and care about your feelings.
  • I am not self-seeking because I love you and want to meet your needs.
  • I am not easily angered by you because I love you and want to overlook your offenses.
  • I do not keep a record of your wrongs because I love you, and "love covers a multitude of sins."