Wednesday, October 26, 2011

On the Go

We've been busy! We went for a visit to Kansas (Mom - I need to get pictures from you).

Auntie Sara with baby David (5 months old)

David took baths in the sink

Caleb saw lots of farm animals, had his first pony ride at Grandma Vicky's farm, and had his own camera crew waiting to capture his every movement on film.

Then we went with our church's senior adults to the North Georgia Apple Country!

And next we had a Hayride, Hot Dog, and S'more Roast with the youth group.

Caleb's first hayride. He LOVED it!

And the holiday season has barely just begun. More fun is just around the corner!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Rachel! What ADORABLE little boys you have; and my, they're growing entirely too fast {as all the little children I know are!} Hooray for firsts, family visits, fun memories, and . . . fall, of course!

We sure love you guys :)