Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We have a Crib!

Baby Prep Update: Yesterday Stephen picked up and put together the crib and changing table!!! I LOVE THEM! I realize it's kinda silly to get excited about a piece of furniture, but in my mind this is the beginnings of making Caleb's room into an actual nursery. We had already cleared the room out and moved a love seat into the room (it reclines and is easy to fall asleep in, which I'm thinking will come in very handy), but that was pretty much the extent of the nursery prep so far. Now that we have a crib and changing table, it's actually starting to look like a nursery!

I have to brag just a little bit about this crib (and sing some praises to God as He provides even in the little things) because we got such a great deal on it. You might have heard of Craigslist - the online site where you can post items you are wanting to sell/get rid of so that other people in your community can buy/have them. I've personally bought and sold a handful of pieces of furniture on Craigslist at some great prices. I've been scanning the baby section for a few weeks to see if I could find a good deal on some of the baby items we still need, and last week I came across a beautiful crib and changing table at a great price! Most of the other nice cribs I'd been seeing were at least a hundred dollars more than what we paid and they didn't include a separate changing table, so I was pretty excited when I saw this one. I went and checked out the crib last week and then yesterday Stephen picked them up. It was kinda late by the time we got home and got them in the room, so I didn't take any pictures but I'm hoping to tonight!** Hooray for being just a little closer to having things ready for our little man when he gets here.

**Pictures are now above!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

28 Weeks

Once again the month has almost slipped by me and I'm behind on updates. We're moving right along with the pregnancy. I think it's pretty obvious that Caleb has been growing quite a bit lately. Comments I've been getting the last few weeks run along the lines of "You are definitely pregnant. There's no hiding it now." "That baby has popped out!" "All of a sudden you are showing." I've been thinking these thoughts for a few months now, but apparently we've reached the stage where everyone else thinks so too. :-)
I'm 28 weeks pregnant now, which means we're into the 3rd trimester, I have about 12 weeks left (give or take), and the calendar is showing less than 3 months until Caleb is here! I'm still feeling great and doctor's reports are all good. We're very thankful for these blessings! Caleb continues to kick and roll around a lot, and Stephen and I have been enjoying watching my tummy dance as he moves.
Stephen and I went on vacation last week and had an awesome time just relaxing and being together. We jokingly called it our second honeymoon/babymoon - the last big vacation before we are officially parents. It was such a great week of being with my best friend in the whole world and I can't really imagine it being much more perfect. We slept in everyday, ate at some great restaurants, took in some of the sights, and just enjoyed each other's company. Perfect.

I have been wanting to get some pictures of Stephen on here because I feel like they have all been me and my belly lately. My wonderful husband deserves some of the spotlight as well, so here he is with our newly purchased highchair. This was a present from my Grandparents. Since we were in Arkansas when we saw them last, they gave us a gift card to use for the highchair and I wanted to make sure I got a picture of it on here for Grandma Vicky to see. It's still in the box at the moment, but we'll be sure to put another picture up when there's a little boy sitting in that seat with baby food all over his face. I can't wait! :-)