I have to brag just a little bit about this crib (and sing some praises to God as He provides even in the little things) because we got such a great deal on it. You might have heard of Craigslist - the online site where you can post items you are wanting to sell/get rid of so that other people in your community can buy/have them. I've personally bought and sold a handful of pieces of furniture on Craigslist at some great prices. I've been scanning the baby section for a few weeks to see if I could find a good deal on some of the baby items we still need, and last week I came across a beautiful crib and changing table at a great price! Most of the other nice cribs I'd been seeing were at least a hundred dollars more than what we paid and they didn't include a separate changing table, so I was pretty excited when I saw this one. I went and checked out the crib last week and then yesterday Stephen picked them up. It was kinda late by the time we got home and got them in the room, so I didn't take any pictures but I'm hoping to tonight!** Hooray for being just a little closer to having things ready for our little man when he gets here.
**Pictures are now above!