24 Weeks:
22 Weeks:
Can you tell there's been some growth over the last month!?! :-) I figured I'd put the pictures up first cause I know that's what you really wanted to see. :-) It has definitely become obvious that I'm pregnant and Caleb is really starting to show. Over the last week I've had to move a good bit of my clothes to the back of the closet cause they don't fit anymore. Good thing Janet and Jayci showed up not too long ago with their arms full of maternity outfits for me to look through! As I'm sitting here typing, I'm also watching my belly make little jumps. Caleb has gotten strong enough that his kicks can be seen on my belly! Stephen gets a kick out of watching him push my stomach around, and the other day I think Caleb decided to try his hand at jumping jacks because it felt like he was moving in 4 different directions at one time. It seems like he moves around the most right after I've eaten - definitely a boy in there!
For the 4th of July Stephen and I went to Arkansas to be part of the annual Johnson family lake week. We had a blast even though we were only able to be there a few days. It was great to see everyone and they surprised us and had a baby shower for us while we were there! We got a lot of great, super cute baby items that I can't wait to use on baby Caleb. My goal this week is to get a few of the baby shower pictures on here for you to see. Stephen will be in Atlanta this week taking some classes, so hopefully I'll have a chance one of these evenings to put those pictures up for ya'll. More to come soon!